Love is a four-letter term that has sparked our interest at some point in our lives. Many of us have different expectations about it depending on our experiences with love. Our parents are frequently the first people we see in a love relationship.
And sometimes, the toxicity that develops between such problematic parent-child interactions produces venom that hurts a child for days. Conflicts between parent-child relationships fuel a negative cycle in which all their future relationships turn toxic. So, how does one go about breaking it?
Let’s Begin The review of the book.
About Book
It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover tells the narrative of Lily, who has had a difficult life in which nothing has come easily to her. She is driven enough to create her own business after moving to Boston from her little town in Maine. Ryle, a successful neurosurgeon who wants to be the best in his area, meets her there. Both have commonalities and differences fuel attraction and everything looks too fantastic to be true.
We see Lily’s background and her views on Atlas, her first love, and a massive impact on her life. He was a kindred soul, a protector, and a companion she could rely on and trust him. And when Atlas returns to her life, all she attempts to keep together along with Ryle is threatened. But, before we begin, here are some truths about the book that you should be aware of:
Novel Features and Themes
The novel contains complex and delicate issues. As a result, it is appropriate for audiences aged 16 and up.
Content Warnings: Attempted rape, tensions and depression, alcohol use, domestic abuse (theme), gun violence, suicide debate, private partner violence, parental defection, parent death
Book Review

Like many, I learned about this book through social media. I’m hesitant to go for overpraised books, and maybe I prefer being snobbish, but it had been talked about for so long, and I needed another book to shock me from within. Thus, it ended up in my hands as well. This type of book may either convince you that it is one of the most impressive pieces of modern literature available or that it is not worth the hype. So, where do we start?
1- It’s not just About Romance
It might be famous for all the right reasons, in my opinion. First and foremost, it is not a romance novel (blame it on poor marketing), and there is no swoon-worthy romantic drama in which it is difficult to choose between challengers of equal worth. The protagonist’s path was tricky in this case, but her decisions were straightforward. Yes, parts of the writing looked a little corny, particularly some of Lily’s emails to Ellen DeGeneres. I know the feelings and meaning behind it, but it was just not something that attracted me.
2- It’s all About Healthy Lessons
Now that we’ve looked at the rocky features of this classic book let’s look at the healthy and flowery lesson. I would motivate everyone to read this book since the message presented in it is essential and a warning for everybody to break whatever pattern keeps them from living the healthy rights they live.
Despite being expressed in the most basic of terms, many of the quotations and lines can melt your heart and wreck your soul. All the personalities have a significant presence that will linger with you for days.
Hardships and Lessons: Lily’s personality is fearless, strong, and compassionate, but her generosity is not her weakness. She understands her worth and her limitations. Her difficulties and heartbreaks made me feel close to her, and she is written eloquently. Ryle, on the other hand, is complex and confusing.
I get why Lily loves him and how it went above mere attraction. Lily saw possibility in him, but as they say, you can lead a horse to a lake but not make it drink water. Atlas, on the other hand, is far too flawless. He represents what a true man should be in terms of character balance.
Although we see him through Lily’s eyes, he appears one-dimensional at times, and I wish I knew more about him, his life, and his point of view. Perhaps the future sequel will provide us with that.
It’s About Love and Relationship

Lily and her adventure are as real as it gets. She, like everyone else, desired a particular connection with someone. I mean, social touch is one of the most important components of our lives. Some of those bonds are unique, and we refer to them as love. However, there must be a tight line between adaptation and compromise.
Adjustment is a balance in which both parties participate in a middle ground, but compromising is a position of vulnerability, a means to become cornered, which is unacceptable in a partnership. This is one subject that flows between the pages of Colleen Hoover’s It Ends With Us, an important distinction that we must always be aware of.
Thoughts on this novel have been all over the place, given that I felt heard, seen, and somewhat comforted more than touched. Personally and regrettably, I identified with Lily and her childhood experiences of being imprisoned in an unfair environment and how lonely it can be to be starved of joy and affection. I wish no one “relates” to Lily, but please accept my hug if you do. Remember that you are not alone, and, as Atlas correctly stated, “keep swimming!” You will reach your destination one day, and I am proud of you for making it this far.
Overall, I think the novel’s writing style is ordinary, and the pacing is a little erratic, but I would encourage you to read it all the way through since the thoughts and topics it portrays are crucial to conveying.
It All Ends With Us is not a cheerful story. It’s a story that makes you wonder “what if,” to ponder what love is all about, what it brings to the table, what it stands for, and where its actual test and expression rests. This isn’t a romantic story. This is a love story, a love in a pure relationship. That’s all. Isn’t it simple?
Despite Coleen’s best efforts, the book received some criticism due to the graphic details. Mis Magazine’s Jennie Young writes that Ryle’s character embodies a tired stereotype often applied to abusive men. Later, she notes that the book exposes Ryle as sadistic, calculated, and cruel. It is not an example of a poor, tortured soul losing control; instead, it is a chilling depiction of a calculated and violent sexual assault.
(Young, 2022) Young says that It Ends With Us, like so many other books and films, feeds into the structures of toxic masculinity it purports to oppose. It romanticizes red flags and finally extols a charismatic but dangerous man, and it sends a decidedly anti-feminist message.
Moreover, Young believes Lily’s decision to co-parent with Ryle is not redeeming; it is a blatant abdication of the most basic parental responsibility—protecting her daughter. Colleen Hoover has no moral or ethical obligation to write role models, and we don’t have to agree with a fictional heroine’s actions. However, the scope of Hoover’s platform and the age of her readers make her fair books game for honest criticism, and It Ends With Us continues to get a pass for reasons I still don’t understand. It’s safe to say that Coleen’s smash hit isn’t for everyone.
While “It Ends with Us” is not a romance story, it is a love story. It’s a love story about choosing oneself over someone one deeply loves; it’s about choosing to end a cycle of violence that harms more people than it helps. This book taught me how women in situations of domestic violence might feel torn between someone they took a vow for and their well-being and safety. Domestic violence is more nuanced and complex than most people realize.
About Author-Collen Hover
For book lovers, Colleen Hoover is a well-known name. “I don’t get it either,” her Instagram bio says, perhaps referring to the phenomenal success of her literary career. She began with a romance novel intended as a Christmas present for her mother.
Colleen Hoover, on the other hand, understands how to use social media to attract and hold readers’ attention. If you are a bookworm or a social media user, the CoHo fever has touched you, or she is already on your #TBR (to be read) list. CoHo, as her fans call her, became the toast of the commercial publishing world due to the phenomenal success of her books, which are a mix of Romance and YA.
Best Selling Author
She has a ton of novels, many of which are five-star reads, and she has dominated September’s best-selling book lists. In the prior few years, her books have appeared on nearly every bestseller list in the United States, with as many as six titles reaching the top 10. Over 3 million copies of ‘It Ends with Us’ have been sold.
Social Media Success
Collen Hover is present on Instagram with 1.6 million followers.
- Her books overlook #bookstagram and #BookTok trends, and a film adaptation of ‘It Ends with Us is in the works. When Hoover published ‘Slammed,’ her first raid into YA territory, in 2012, she used a nascent promotional process.
- She used BookTube, YouTube’s book community, to interact with readers and give away free copies to bloggers with large followings. This proved to be a golden opportunity to connect directly with readers and use social media for real-world success in an industry reliant on traditional marketing methods.
- When Instagram came along, Hoover transitioned to #bookstagram, posting anecdotal snippets of her writing life, family, and the travel that takes a book from idea to reality. Even when Hoover promotes her work and herself to her 1.6 million followers on the platform. She is wicked and self-deprecatory, sporting her success lightly, a trait her fans find endearing.