One cannot adore New York City. New York City the non-stop metropolis! Numerous movies have included it, it is well-known throughout the world, and perhaps you have already been there or are planning a trip to New York City. It is undoubtedly a location full of marvels and interesting facts about New York City!
We have put together a list of 15 little-known facts about New York City to pique your interest and help you continue to fall in love with this city. Having said that, there is always more to discover about this incredible location!
5 Things you Don’t Know about NYC
1- The Big Apple Has A Strange Tale
Both the city’s official name and one of its nicknames have a fascinating backstory. In the 1920s, prizes given out during horse racing events were referred to as “Big Apples.” Numerous singers and journalists began calling New York by this name since it denoted “the best” or “the highest” award.
The Big Apple was officially adopted as a nickname by New York’s tourism agency in 1971 in an effort to increase tourism following some negative headlines.
Note: As it happens, New York City had a brief history as New Orange before becoming known as the Big Apple. In honour of William III of Orange, the Dutch renamed New York, which they had taken from the English in 1673, New Orange. The city, however, returned to English rule and its previous name the following year.
2- New Yorkers speak more Than 800 Languages
No list of noteworthy facts about New York is complete without referencing the city’s multicultural population. The inhabitants of the city can communicate in almost 800 different languages. One-third of New York homes are foreign-born, and nearly half of all households speak more than one language. One in every 38 Americans also calls New York home, making it the US city with the largest population. We’re spoiling you with all these extra details about New York City. But as you will agree, New York’s diverse cultural influences make the city what it is.
Note: Although most sources indicate six hundred, I’ve seen figures as high as eight hundred. The most multilingual borough is Queens. Only 51% of them speak English at home, compared to 176 in the school system. In NYC, there are more than a million students enrolled.
3- A Whispering Gallery Is Located In Grand Central Terminal
It’s true; we’ve been there! There is an astonishing architectural marvel at work in the dome walkways of New York’s renowned Grand Central Terminal. They can whisper to each other if one person is in one corner of the tiled wall and the other is on the opposite side. Additionally, the listener will be able to hear! There are several examples of other whispering galleries throughout the world, and it is a result of the perfectly shaped arches. Another is the St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. One of the most entertaining facts about New York is, without a doubt, this. The next time you are in town, you must give it a try.
4- A Top City For Bird Watching Is New York
Yes, there are more animals in New York City than just pigeons. According to experts, the five boroughs are home to about 275 different bird species. That percentage is fairly high, given that there are just 800 different bird species in America.
The majority of the birds in New York City can be found in Central Park, if you are an avid birdwatcher. You might see Northern Cardinals, Blue Jays, Eastern Screech Owls, and a lot of herons, depending on the time of year. Great Kills Park, Conference House Park, Clove Lakes Park, Wolfe’s Pond Park, Mount Loretto Nature Preserve and the recently constructed Fresh Kills Park—built on the site of the Freshkills Landfill and now a habitat for grassland birds like the Grasshopper Sparrow and Eastern Meadowlark—are all prime locations for birdwatching.
5- The French Gave The Statue Of Liberty As A Gift.
Ironically, Lady Liberty began her life in Paris and is now regarded as a universal emblem of liberation and the American Dream. She was created by French artists Bartholdi and Eiffel to honour the relationship between the US and France. The name of the latter sculptor is perhaps one you recall from another well-known French building! They sent Lady Liberty in 1885 in 350 pieces that were contained in 214 cartons. Nevertheless, her right arm, which was holding a flame, had arrived in 1876. The Americans presented it in Philadelphia to wait for the rest to catch up with her.
When her body finally caught up, they put her together and put her on display at the final spot in New York Harbor.
Other Known Things ad Facts about NYC
- New York City has a population of a little over 8 million. In other words, one in every 38 Americans resides in a city.
- New York City is the most linguistically diverse city in the world, with more than 800 different languages being spoken there. A language other than English is spoken in 4 out of 10 homes.
- In the nineteenth century, oysters were so well-liked in New York that Pearl Street’s foundation was laid with oyster shells. They also served as a source of lime for the Trinity Church’s stonework.
- For its centennial celebration in 1886, France gave the United States the Statue of Liberty. The statue took 4 months to assemble at its current location after being brought in 350 pieces in 214 cartons.
- The greatest gold reserve in the world is kept at the Federal Reserve Bank in New York City. The vault, which houses $90 billion worth of gold, lies 80 feet below street level.
- The second largest library system in the US behind the Library of Congress, the New York Public Library has about 50 million volumes and other things. It ranks third in terms of size among all libraries.
- After World War II, the United Nations’ main office was founded in New York City.
- In 1895, the first pizza restaurant in the country debuted in New York City. Economists coined the “Pizza Principle” because the price of a slice of pizza has been about equal to that of a subway journey since the 1960s.
- The New York Times inspired the naming of Times Square. Longacre Square was its previous name up until the Times relocated there in 1904.
- In 1789, New York City was chosen as the country’s first capital.
- New York Metropolis is the city outside of Asia with the highest concentration of Chinese residents. There are more Jews living there than in any other non-Israeli city.
Some Interesting Facts about NYC
- In NYC, eggs benedict were first created.
- At one time, the Brooklyn Bridge was home to huge wine cellars.
- 20,000 remains are still thought to be buried beneath Washington Square Park, which once served as a cemetery.
- The eyes of Albert Einstein are kept in a secure deposit box in New York City.
- For a hotdog stand contract in Central Park for one year, the price can reach approximately $300,000.
- NYC has more students than the entire city of Boston.
- If Texas had the same population density as New York City, the entire world’s population could fit there.
- Farting at a church in New York City is against the law.